

Class of 2027
First choice school:
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Oh we gay
0 years (KJD)
I just want to be happy (:
Apps submitted
Scholarships Received
SeaOttering's wisdom for future generations

School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
29 Boston College Rejected RDregular decision Apr 18 2024-04-18
27 Boston University WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Jan 24 2024-01-24
29 Fordham University WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Feb 01 2024-02-01
35 George Washington Un... Accepted RDregular decision $105,000 Jan 17 2024-01-17
71 Northeastern University WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Feb 09 2024-02-09
60 UCDavis WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Feb 29 2024-02-29
35 UIowa Accepted RDregular decision Mar 17 2024-03-17 Mar 22 2024-03-22
16 UMinnesota WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Dec 20 2023-12-20
49 UWashington Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision Mar 01 2024-03-01
40 UWisconsin WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Feb 16 2024-02-16 Mar 04 2024-03-04


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I sent one LOCI with the WL, but then after some pondering I did a "will go right away regardless of aid" to GULC, UVA, and Mich. GULC responded in like maybe a week
I’ll say it in my next one. My next LOCI was just gonna be “I’m still interested and have another LoR from a supervisor at my job” so saying that I will attend regardless of aid and I’m willing to wait through August probably be slightly stronger
obviously every year and person is different, but I wasn't on the top waitlist either
I sent a soft LOCI in the form of an email with my initial WL, and then an official one when I got the feeler email last week. But because of that email I rushed editing it down and now feel like I left out important details like the point regarding aid etc
once you do the aid thing, there's really nothing more they can get from you, but I do think knowing they don't even have to pay you is big
you're all good, if you just say what you said you would, and say "after consideration, i'd go for no dollars" I think that'd be good
show youre thinking about it and would drop everything. maybe wouldn't even say you can wait, put the onus on them to risk losing your money too lol
… do you think it is worth emailing them over or would that be a bad look considering I JUST submitted a LOCI
Like I sent my LOCI on the 23rd
I just know everyone says to not be overbearing and kinda annoying and don’t want to come across too desperate. Idk where the balance is so, just as an aside I appreciate your insight btw ty
hey no prob this process was so awful I like to help. I heard the same advice but i'm not sure if overbearing would count 3 total emails. Because once you send this one, there's really nothing left to say other than like once a month "hey still want to." Overbearing is probably more constant emails and calls. If I remember correctly, their deposit deadline hasn't passed yet? I waited until the day after their deadline (could prob do day of) just to be right on top of mind when they know some people aren't going now and I can just take their spot
I think tomorrow (or technically tonight at like midnight so it’s top of the inbox) what I’ll do is email them saying, “hey, I know the initial deposit deadline was yesterday and I am sure your office is busy preparing to review waitlisted applicants so I apologize for not saying this in my prior correspondence. In my previous letter I was so excited to talk about all the things I look forward to potentially taking part in that I wanted to make sure my position is fully clarified. Regardless of aid, I would withdraw from all other institutions and agree to a binding deposit should I be fortunate enough to receive an offer of admission. Thanks” basically? Sorry I just kinda need reassurance it’s been keeping me up at night haha
Cuz in my LOCI last week all I really said regarding that was "Should I receive an offer of admission from your esteemed institution, I would without question accept immediately." I spent most of my LOCI discussing what I was excited about and a substantial work update
which school is this
cool just curious
best of luck!
Thank you manifest I appreciate the support
hey you're all good last year my brain basically broke. I would skip the acknowledgment of the deadline and apologies. i'd basically just start at "Regardless of aid..." you can say more if you want, but really that's what they're looking for. They just lost people to other schools and are looking to fill those spots
you know what i'll see if i can find what my email said lol
you could probably leave the sentence before regardless of aid as your starting sentence
but would agree with William that the rest is fluff they don't really care for
And, and I'm sorry to be beating a dead horse, does anyone think it's "too soon" to be following up?
better to be clear and direct than leave them guessing
"I'd like to start by thanking you again for both the interview and spot on the waitlist. After some consideration I have decided that Georgetown is my top pick and I would commit to attending if admitted regardless of possible scholarship. In particular, no other school I am interested in has what Georgetown has with Curriculum B. I like history and I minored in philosophy, plus I feel that context is an important and often lacking aspect of legal education, so this curriculum sounds fantastic. GULC is also unique in class size, and I believe that more students means a higher chance of high quality connections than any other school. Add in the numerous clinics and programs I mentioned in my "Interest in Georgetown" essay, and there is truly nowhere I would rather be. Thank you for your consideration."
In the above letter I was so excited to talk about all the things I look forward to potentially taking part in that I wanted to make sure my position is fully clarified. Regardless of aid, I would withdraw from all other institutions and agree to a binding deposit should I be fortunate enough to receive an offer of admission.
that was the whole thing, and was my second LOCI, a third LOCI a week later really will be ok
and i received the A exactly 7 days after that email
And it doesn't seem desperate or unprofessional to email them? My brother is screaming at me that it is a bad idea
Nope it's what you do. I wouldn't email them again after this, but that's more because you have nothing to add. there's 3 tiers of LOCI 1: I won't get off the WL 2: I'd go if you said yes 3: I'd go rn no matter what for no money
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