



Search results

Found 479 matching applications.
Rank School Name (click to see applicants) # Applicants Accepted % Waitlisted % Rejected %
150 CUNY 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
82 University of Miami 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
89 Case Western Reserve University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
28 University of Utah 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
36 William & Mary Law School 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
28 University of Florida (Levin) 5 5 / 5 100.0 0 / 5 0.0 0 / 5 0.0
158 Santa Clara University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
36 Arizona State University 11 9 / 11 81.82 2 / 11 18.18 0 / 11 0.0
33 Fordham University 8 6 / 8 75.0 2 / 8 25.0 0 / 8 0.0
20 University of Southern California 9 2 / 9 22.22 4 / 9 44.44 3 / 9 33.33
68 Florida International University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
178 Nova Southeastern University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
13 University of California—Los Angeles 20 12 / 20 60.0 8 / 20 40.0 0 / 20 0.0
26 Ohio State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
68 University of San Diego 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
33 University of Alabama 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
172 St. Thomas University (Florida) 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
20 University of Georgia 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
68 Northeastern University 2 1 / 2 50.0 1 / 2 50.0 0 / 2 0.0
4 University of Pennsylvania 30 12 / 30 40.0 18 / 30 60.0 0 / 30 0.0
9 Northwestern University 30 19 / 30 63.33 10 / 30 33.33 1 / 30 3.33
16 Washington University in St. Louis 15 14 / 15 93.33 1 / 15 6.67 0 / 15 0.0
48 Florida State University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
61 Loyola Marymount University—Los Angeles 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
8 Columbia University 24 2 / 24 8.33 16 / 24 66.67 6 / 24 25.0
42 Indiana University - Bloomington 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
19 Vanderbilt University 10 2 / 10 20.0 8 / 10 80.0 0 / 10 0.0
178 Florida A&M University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
130 Hofstra University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
108 University of Buffalo—SUNY 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
9 University of Michigan 24 10 / 24 41.67 10 / 24 41.67 4 / 24 16.67
82 University of California (Hastings) 2 0 / 2 0.0 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0
42 University of California—Irvine 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
61 Yeshiva University (Cardozo) 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
117 Albany Law School Of Union University 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
4 Harvard University 27 0 / 27 0.0 5 / 27 18.52 22 / 27 81.48
24 Boston University 15 13 / 15 86.67 0 / 15 0.0 2 / 15 13.33
4 University of Virginia 20 8 / 20 40.0 9 / 20 45.0 3 / 20 15.0
55 University of California—Davis 1 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0 1 / 1 100.0
1 Stanford University 11 0 / 11 0.0 2 / 11 18.18 9 / 11 81.82
9 New York University 17 1 / 17 5.88 9 / 17 52.94 7 / 17 41.18
54 Temple University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
52 Pepperdine University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
26 Texas A&M University 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
36 University of Iowa 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
165 University of San Francisco 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
16 University of Minnesota 4 1 / 4 25.0 3 / 4 75.0 0 / 4 0.0
3 University of Chicago 22 2 / 22 9.09 10 / 22 45.45 10 / 22 45.45
114 Brooklyn Law School 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
12 University of California—Berkeley 18 1 / 18 5.56 5 / 18 27.78 12 / 18 66.67
68 University of Houston 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
14 Cornell University 11 1 / 11 9.09 4 / 11 36.36 6 / 11 54.55
20 University of Notre Dame 2 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0 0 / 2 0.0
42 Emory University 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
36 University of Wisconsin 1 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0 0 / 1 0.0
33 Washington and Lee University 4 4 / 4 100.0 0 / 4 0.0 0 / 4 0.0
28 Boston College 4 1 / 4 25.0 2 / 4 50.0 1 / 4 25.0
130 Howard University 3 3 / 3 100.0 0 / 3 0.0 0 / 3 0.0
14 Georgetown University 30 17 / 30 56.67 10 / 30 33.33 3 / 30 10.0
108 Chapman University 1 0 / 1 0.0 1 / 1 100.0 0 / 1 0.0
1 Yale University 11 0 / 11 0.0 1 / 11 9.09 10 / 11 90.91
16 University of Texas at Austin 15 4 / 15 26.67 10 / 15 66.67 1 / 15 6.67
4 Duke University 15 2 / 15 13.33 9 / 15 60.0 4 / 15 26.67
98 American University 2 0 / 2 0.0 2 / 2 100.0 0 / 2 0.0
41 George Washington University 10 8 / 10 80.0 2 / 10 20.0 0 / 10 0.0
A rank of 999 means that the school is not ranked by U.S. News & World Report.
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.




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I am sick of law schools sending out emails without the option to unsubscribe. It's straight up illegal and shows you the quality of education you will get there.
CAN-SPAM Act violation
dude washu has sent me an email at least once per feek for 3 months
it has significantly impacted my opinion on their law school
week* frick
yeah like i've gotten radio silence from them since october
like if you don't want me that's fine but why not reject or WL people? too busy having Zoom seminars
like it's actually so rude that they don't have the decency to R/WL before like April
Lmaoo the Zoom seminars
GW is requesting my fall transcripts (I had intended to apply during the fall semester when I requested them, but had three hurricanes-one with water rescues in my neighborhood-an emergency 2 1/2 week trip to Colorado to say goodbye to my mother-in-law, then I received my service dog, which required another eight days away from school for training), so I ended up applying this month. If I request new transcripts through LSAC, does each school I applied to receive them? I'm hoping to not have to write an addendum of why all of my narrative evaluations mention my busy schedule or that I had to miss classes and whatnot. (My school doesn't do letter grades.)
Yes, they receive them automatically from LSAC
@AnotherUsername1: Thank you! :)
yooo 1a
its eggan
eff i missed him
Do y'all think Berkeley's gonna reject me or waitlist me. An A seems unlikely atp.
i feel the same way
'tis very sad
It sucks cause I feel like I fucked up my video statement but the rest of my app was strong and now the video statement isn't even a requirement
I think as long as you haven't been R or WL, you're still in the running! I don't think they'd leave anyone hanging if they already knew! <3
Tried negotiating scholarships with the school but they basically called my bluff saying I have to share other letters by the deposit deadline to get any $. It feels good to bet on myself though
How's it goin
[M] hw03
how's everyone doing
did anyone have a penn date change? mine went into review early feb, then the date on the portal changed to a couple days ago.. but no email update wondering if anyone else is in the same boat
@1a2b3c4d26z: im ok just waiting on a few more schools
how do you fuck up a video statement when youre well aware its going to happen and its straightforward
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