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I got hit with that wave lol
oh I'm sorry :( best of luck!!
what do u guys think about w&l
thanks, it's fine. I would go to Mich over NU anway
I think of W&L as an underrated law school
I'd definitely visit Lex if you haven't, not for everyone
i did last weekend and really liked it. super charming
just dont know about leaving my entire support system for the hardest 3 years of my life haha
NU hasn’t done As in forever and it’s hard to keep hope lol
yeah ive lost all hope for NU
itll be a WL for me at best
Hoping for CLS A wave :(
they didnt believe me when i said NU was full smh
its so hard for me to be pessimistic when this year is going so slow
but hoping for A waves from both yeah lol
@NextLumpySpacePrincess: I'll likely be going to W&L. I like the small town vibe. All of their students and staff are so nice too. I think it will be a great experience.
@Pandally: are you from the area? im scared about not being even remotely near family
looks beautiful after a google search
tell me more hmm
When cls epocalypse?
why is there only two nyu r lol
@NextLumpySpacePrincess: I'm not from here but I've lived in VA for 3 years now. I'm closer to W&M right now. I understand not being near family but I've lived away from any of my family for over a decade 😅
@NextLumpySpacePrincess: can I ask what exactly you're scared about
long distance relationship, specifically #rip
@NextLumpySpacePrincess: i think the best part about it will be the ability to just focus on your education.
yeah thats true. the school was so beautiful. i was blown away
is it driving distance from you or do you have to take a train/plane
whatever you do, do not attend iowa
in 2018 hogs in iowan facilities outnumbered iowa residents 7 to 1
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